4-26-15 Rainbow Thunder Heart

FullSizeRenderRainbow Thunder Heart is our very special guest for our BBS Radio Station 1 – Prepare for Change Show. He was born and raised on the Shoshone reservation in Wyoming. He is a Peace Keeper from the Eastern Shoshone Nation, a Rainbow Warrior for Peace and Harmony, Mother Nature’s Guardian, brother to the Nations who ride the waves of hope, peace and harmony, to enlighten the gift of life bestowed upon each and every one who wishes to walk the pathways of freedom.

In dreams and visions he was guided to go to the rock art valleys, canyon lands, meadows and mountains to learn from the petroglyphs. There he was shown by the spiritual wisdom keepers in the petroglyphs how the medicine wheels work through instructions of how to clean, clear and bless old traumatic energy congested in the environment and charge it with peace, love, joy and harmony through techniques for healing.

Since 1987 he has been on a sacred journey that healed the Yellowstone Super Volcano in May of 2004, healed droughts, calmed volcanoes and helped to avert prophesied earthquakes and disasters prior to December 21, 2012. He called out to people of all nations, traditions and cultures to join him in medicine wheel ceremonies of singing, dancing and drumming on sacred sites. Many hundreds came to help heal Mother Earth. He had led medicine wheel ceremonies throughout North and Central America and he will be traveling to Europe, South Africa and all around the planet to share teachings and lead medicine wheel ceremonies to bring in the New Earth.

To listen to the archived show click the below link:

Rainbow Thunder Heart


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