

The Media Group creates content for use throughout the world and every organized area has a need to share their work globally.

Before the Event, the Media Group will produce videos that inspire people to participate in the weekly liberation meditations, as well as short news clips about activities related to “THE EVENT”.

A YouTube channel will be set up around the theme of “How is it going in your community?” This channel will promote interviews from regular people around the world to show that there is no need to panic at the time of the Event by showing that communities and services are still functioning normally.

In addition, longer range projects are being developed that will expose the real history of what has been happening here on Earth. Most of these projects will be completed after the Event itself. Activities created by the other six groups can also be promoted by the Media Group. Videographers, sound engineers, lighting specialists, writers, composers, etc. are all encouraged to contact us.

Contact us to participate or send copyright free graphics, music, and stock footage for inclusion in the media library on

Star Merkaba
Giving voice to the Golden Age

News Updates about Hawaii, Puna lava Flow:

[Updated: Nov 8, 2014]

In other news, it has now been more than a week since the leading edge of the Puna lava flow stalled just 480 feet from the Pahoa Village road, although there are breakouts of lava farther up, so the town has not been impacted, but the threat is still present.I had spoken by phone with Michael Salla a few months ago and he shared with me information that perhaps there was some connection between the lava flow and the establishment and dedication of the Kalapana Star Visitor’s Sanctuary. He mentioned to me that Uncle Robert felt strongly that the reinstatement of the Kingdom of Hawaii would also come into the equation.I would like to share Michael Salla’s article with you all, and at the same time, suggest that after reading it you click on this link to a video with more explanation . . .

This is the link to view a very important video about this topic.

The third and final link I would recommend you go to is this one which has a message from a Galactic named An T’na, as received by Gesanna. This is the 20th communiqué received by Gesanna and addressed

the connection between the current Lava flow and the Kalapana Star Visitor’s Sanctuary.

We will post these three links on the media group page and invite people from around the world to share their thoughts feelings and comments about this topic.

I will be providing updates on the lava flow and the development of the Star Visitor Sanctuary in the next newsletters.

Send A Message to the Media Group

Until then, as always, keep your eyes to the skies. . .
Warmest Aloha wishes,
Judi and Smaly7, co-chairs, the Media Group.


Check Here to view the Media Group Newsletters with Ground Crew Newsflash videos:

Media Group Newsletter #2

Media Group Newsletter #3

Media Group Newsletter #4

Media Group Newsletter #5


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