Programma’s voor Verandering


Programma’s voor Verandering zijn bedoeld te werken als katalysatoren voor evolutionaire vooruitgang door de hele gemeenschap. Het zijn gemeenschappelijke inspanningen van alle PFC groepen om een model serviceprogramma te bieden voor de basis sociale benodigdheden vanuit samenwerkingsprincipes. Vanuit de talenten van alle groepen om open source organisatiestructuren te creëren, met online databases, formulieren en downloadbare PDF bestanden om lokale en regionale groepen te voeden, zal het Programma servicepakket deze groepen in staat stellen om benodigde diensten voor hun gemeenschappen te organiseren en te bieden, waar ze ook zijn.

Het ‘Programma’s voor Verandering” deel van de Prepare For Change website is gefocussed op inovatieve basis services voor de Nieuwe Gemeenschap, services die alle van de Nieuwe Society groepen talenten en mogelijkheden gebruiken om de dagelijkse problemen van goed leven op te lossen. Deze activiteiten behoeven een substantiële investering van tijd en moeite door lokale groepen die coördineren met wereldwijde standaarden en gidsen. Zij leiden naar de creatie van institutionele organisaties waarvan de intentie is dat zij op zichzelf blijven en groeien zonder verdere input van PFC.

Vrijwilligers die via de website werken kunnen deze Nieuwe Gemeenschap Initiatieven bewerken naar werkende concept pakketten voor lokale actiegroepen om daarop verder te werken met hun eigen fondsen, staf en contractuele verplichtingen van hun gemeenschappen. De website database zal uiteindelijk verder groeien naar een nieuwe en onafhankelijke website die is gefocussed op zijn programma, en de links op PFC zullen leiden naar dat programma.

De wereld om ons heen is aan het veranderen. Wij hebben de mogelijkheid om nieuwe manieren om dingen te doen te creeren, belangrijke zaken die zullen groeien naar de basis diensten van een betere wereld. Dit wetende zijn wwij hier om een nieuwe fundering te leggen waarop de Nieuwe Gemeenschap kan groeien en alle mensen zich kunnen ontplooien tot de Galactische Wezens waarvoor wij zijn geboren.

Het Prepare For Change vrijwilligersnetwerk bestaat uit mensen van over de hele planeet, die zich realiseren dat wij de verantwoordelijkheid voor onszelf moeten nemen, dat het ‘leiderschap’ van de gemeenschap is gestolen door een kleine elite die alles wat met geld kan worden gekocht heeft gestuurd naar de totstandkoming van hun eigen zeer op zichzelf gerichte doelen. Dit is waarom wij een vrijwilligersnetwerk zijn die zijn eigen open source technologie gebruikt, want het is alleen door de vastberadenheid van eerbare mannen en vrouwen dat de ambities van de op zichzelf gerichten kunnen worden verhinderd. Wij zijn er trots op om op elkaars werk te bouwen om functionele oplossingen te creëren voor alle mensen op de planeet, en dat het belangrijk is dat al deze inspanningen zullen komen uit de fundering van toegewijde PFC leden. Kijk naar de programma’s die hier staan en kijk of je erbij wil worden betrokken.


The Humanitarian Project Funding Program  The expected change in the way the monetary system works will create the opportunity for new ways of doing business to emerge. At the forefront of this is a commitment by the organizers of the new financial system to fund Humanitarian Projects that help bring the planetary population to a more uniform level of prosperity by investing in housing, health and education. These goals require a substantial commitment of time and energy by all who seek to fulfill them. The social entreprenuers who have the drive and passion to initiate and administer these efforts will need assistance to develop the presentations and professional relationships to succeed. The PFC Humanitarian Funding Program will focus on creating a cadre of men and women able to assist these committed individuals to achieve their humanitarian goals. A big part of this assistance will be creating online resources available through this site or related sites.  PFC has already developed committed funding sources that will need proper paperwork before proceeding, but more than paperwork is the personal, social and professional resources needed to succeed. How we can meet these demands and grow quickly after the change is our challenge. If you have the skills to assist local groups to create working budgets to accomplish their goals Please volunteer for the Funding Assistance Team

The Global Communities Design Program This Program addresses the integration of new technologies and philosophies into the daily lifestyles of everyone living on Earth. One approach under consideration is to create twelve channels of needed design services so communities can choose what works best for them. The concept of “modularity” makes sense here, with each of the channel technologies fitting with the others in a mix and match fashion.

The release of our societies on Earth from the control matrix of banking, energy, petrochemicals and pharmaceutical health care will create a need for lifestyles allowing people to remain in their neighborhoods and use their time and effort to have fulfilling lives within walking distance of their homes. In this new society, travel will be optional rather than required.  The role of PFC in bringing about this new lifestyle is extrapolated from our emphasis on communities of mind using the Internet to create technical alignments that can get things done.  In this case an alignment of philosophy with technical competence, to connect people capable of creating a layered design for community services based on the new technologies is the advantage and reason for our involvement.  If  participating in the creation of new communities feels right for you, please join the discussion.

The Nature Restoration Program involves creating alignments of interest groups around specified parts of nature. The primary effort is to identify sources of volunteers that can return to the same location in nature twice a year to provide a group of services such as monitoring, reporting, repair of fences, catchments, nesting areas and to assure the ability of the natural environment to persevere in the face of encroachment from feral animals and invasive species. Church groups, school clubs, boy scout troops, ongoing youth programs from all parts of society are candidates to provide this volunteer work.   The land holders will vary, but ranches, public parks, state agencies and national organizations such as the Bureau of Land Management (for the US) or similar for other countries and other private groups are probable sources of sites to be regularly maintained. Also involved will be resources of expertise and materials such as wildlife management agencies, state departments of fisheries, and others dedicated to parts of the natural environment.  One of the key roles to this program is to unite thee various groups around solving a particular site’s environmental and ecological problems. The reason this will be successful is that it creates win-win propositions for all involved, since most of the sites will be acknowledged to need help, but lack of money and organization will be cited as the reason for inaction. This program can use what is available from many interested parties to create a whole solution. And it begins with gathering information around a proposed solution, which is something we can do. If high level professional networking on behalf of the natural environment is what you would like to do, please Volunteer to be a Nature Restorer Contact,

The MetaChild Program is for children. As our global societies have moved from the land and into industrialized cities the art of raising children has suffered from the loss of the natural environment where children could run and play without fear or close supervision. In our overly managed world we see that children are entering school lacking the neurodevelopment to function in an educational environment. The school systems find themselves working with children that cannot process information auditorially, verbally, or visually, cannot sit still or attend to doing the work that is asked of them. While many people want to blame the schools, the environment or the nutrition, the best answer is to begin by teaching parents the basics of neurodevelopment, for it is from this basic knowledge that they can understand the importance of being kind, bonding with their child, proper feeding and rest, and perhaps the most important the necessity of appropriate stimulation every single day. The emphasis of the MetaChild is on the earliest years, but the basic information that is shared provides the foundation for the rest of childhood by teaching the parents to support their child’s needs for healthy growth and development. I will publish an introduction to MetaChild as a post soon so that this important idea for a Program can be fully understood. If you understand the difference that early intervention can make for all children and would like to help, please volunteer for the MetaChild development team.

The Free Energy Engineering Program is organized around making information and training available for interested individuals worldwide, to enable them to understand all the variables involved in creating a permanent free energy installation for their home, community or business.

Neighborhood Node Wireless Independence Program is an open source project to create a software package and a hardware specification for a local wireless infrastructure capable of providing data, voice, text, and video to the neighborhood independent of Internet connectivity. While the Internet is the best way to share information, it is not wise to expect basic functions for local productivity such as local voice and file sharing to depend on the global Internet, which in emergencies could be unreliable. This program will seek to unite all universities using open source to incorporate this into their curriculum and become part of a global effort to raise the standard of living in non-urban areas. To read an article about this concept see Neighborhood Nodes: Key to Global Freedom and Prosperity

The idea of creating programs that can help our members build the new society seems obvious to us at PFC.  These are programs that our members already have the skills to accomplish, but need a framework to work within in order to be of service. Whether is is being part of a community, helping nature or supporting the healthy development of children, we are already involved in some way, so being proactive about it seems wise.



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