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Prepare for Change Leadership Group

Mission Statement

The Prepare for Change Leadership Group’s mission is to advise and support the existing leadership of the world’s various governments to understand what is happening globally at the time of THE EVENT. We will provide information showing them that this is not a local event, but rather one that encompasses our entire planet, with numerous steps in the process of positive change. The Leadership Group’s volunteers will contact the different levels of leadership and act as advisors to them and provide support for maintaining peace and order within their states, counties, cities and neighborhoods, during and directly after THE EVENT.

Mission Goals

The primary goal is for the people to be calm and to maintain the status quo of societal infrastructure during THE EVENT. The most important aspect will be to ensure there is no fearful, drastic reaction by the political leaders to the mass arrests.

We will present the leaders with a series all-inclusive “Community Leaders Briefs” to explain that THE EVENT is a peaceful and necessary action, not a military coup or reason for fear. We can explain that this is simply a sweep of the world’s police forces to round up criminals involved in racketeering on a global scale. No martial law will be declared, and no restriction of movement upon the people will be required.

We will encourage those in positions of power to be of real help by using their authority to maintain the life – supporting infrastructure to the community that they represent. Of primary importance is the uninterrupted supply of water to the community. We will ask that all such systems continue to run smoothly, that gasoline, propane, transportation, electrical power grid and communication companies remain open and online, that hospitals and emergency responders are fully functional for those in need of such assistance. We also will encourage the orderly distribution of food to all that seek it.

We will help the populace to remain calm with good and informed help, and by providing inside intelligence about the current plans for change using this website, which will be updated with the most current material available. For obvious reasons, inside information and details will not be revealed until the related actions occur. Throughout the changes this website will continue to focus on the peaceful, harmonious change into a happier, healthier world.

During THE EVENT, we, the self-appointed advisors, will be able to offer our local, state, and national political infrastructure the patient, compassionate, and responsible answers they will need to understand exactly what is transpiring! To be effective, we must walk our talk to those in positions of power during THE EVENT itself. We must be calm, non-threatening, and helpful. To ensure this process is successful and peaceful, this website will provide packages of information (“Community Leaders Briefs”) to be disseminated to those in positions of power, by those self-appointed volunteers who are called to do so. This material can be studied or actually given as hard copies.

We want peace and harmony, not violence or over-reaction by any police forces. We will ask that law enforcement show restraint and not resort to violence. We will have plans to assure them that their calm reaction and leadership will ensure that no rioting or over-reaction to the situation by their constituents will occur. We will buttress their staff and support teams with knowledge and sympathy. We will not challenge their positions of authority. We will wait patiently to be invited to the table to share our information in simple and plain language with no agenda or fear. We will be transparent and honest. We will not proclaim to know the whole plan or to be experts. We will only steadfastly present ourselves as concerned citizens, committed to a peaceful transition, who have been apprised of this action before hand; and we are offering our support for education and advice.

To do this, we have decided on Four Sections to our Mission.

Introduction to the Four Sections

No one knows the hour of liberation, we suggest that you meditate, study, and prepare, as soon as your life permits. Allow the curve of spiritual development to guide you in this process. This EVENT will happen not on our time, or your time, but the right time. If you do not have a copy of these pages with you, please study and remember the “training” part of this page and let Love and compassion be your guide.

If you are not sure what we are presenting here, do not be afraid to ask, to learn, and to study. Do not act, unless your spirit is strong and you feel confident – even if you feel good about this but still have doubts. At the time of THE EVENT, print a copy of the “Community Leaders Brief” and leave it anonymously, or give it to someone better suited, whom you feel may do a good job presenting it.

Protocols for disseminating “The Community Leaders Brief”.

The Background to THE EVENT, and the Event itself.

Lists of those in positions of influence whom we feel are pertinent to a peaceful transition and who will benefit by receiving this information from you –the informed Light-working people.

Training to Advise Leadership suggestions for those who feel called upon to take up this work and distribute this information to the leadership of the world’s life-supporting infrastructure.

Justice will arrive in flash
Justice will arrive in flash!

Study the four Sections and prepare for the Event. Again, if you are not sure what we are presenting here, do not be afraid to ask, to learn, and to study. Do not act, unless your spirit is strong and you feel confident – even if you feel good about this but still have doubts. At the time of THE EVENT, print a copy of the “Community Leaders Brief” and leave it anonymously, or give it to someone better suited, whom you feel may do a good job presenting it.Some have seen and believe. There are others are who are blessed who have not seen and still believe. Judge this tree of knowledge by the fruit. We call for Peace, and for Love, and for Honesty on our world. By the Light of Truth, we will have it.

Some have seen and believe. There are others are who are blessed who have not seen and still believe. Judge this tree of knowledge by the fruit. We call for Peace, and for Love, and for Honesty on our world. By the Light of Truth, we will have it.

Rise up now for no one but we, ourselves, can break these shackles that hold our minds in fear. Do not be paralyzed! You must act for truth now, today, this very minute! Hold in your heart the source of all that is good, and beautiful, and true. Your intent, your willful action to do good, will resonate and the universe will respond. God speed to you all!

With love and respect,

The Planetary Leadership Group

Victory of the Light!

Go to the First Section: Protocols

Download all Sections of the Leadership Document as a PDF -25 Pages
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